Vetting a candidate - how do I do it remotely?
Remote recruitment often seems complicated, but the truth is that done properly it can produce surprising results. Take into account that the job offer is seen by many people, so you can expect a huge number of applications from the moment it appears.
Remote recruitment
More and more companies are opting for remote recruitment as it takes relatively less time than traditional recruitment. First of all, in standard procedures, after sending the application, a face-to-face meeting takes place, which takes a lot of time. In remote recruitment, after initial verification of submitted applications, it is enough to make a phone call or send a test task. So at one time you have contact with many candidates. In the next stage of recruitment, on the basis of the sent task, you can verify which of the persons pass to the next stage, and which do not. This means that in a short period of time you can find a whole team to work with, without having to invite them to meetings.
Verification of the candidate
Many companies wonder how they can verify a particular candidate, i.e. do a so-called background screening, but here the options are several, depending on what the company does. It is perfect to send online tests or a test task to job candidates, because the time of sending back the completed one, as well as its accuracy, will tell a lot about a particular candidate. Often, its completion alone will allow you to assess an employee's knowledge of the software on which they will work in the future, or their approach to the tasks at hand. In many cases, after the initial verification of submitted documents, a video interview can be conducted, which will also be able to test knowledge of a specific topic. After the interview, we can move further in the process. The verification of the candidate will be particularly important if the employee will be responsible for customer contact. It is imperative to keep this in mind in order to be able to approach the recruitment process completely differently in the near future. Remote recruitment is not difficult to implement, provided that someone prepares it properly. There are also online solutions that check the candidate's relationship with previous employers e.g. Checkster -but here we have to be especially careful in the context of RODO regulations.
Recruitment - who is responsible for it?
The HR department is often responsible for the recruitment process, but not every company has one. Not only the manager is perfect, but certainly for many an external recruitment company will be the ideal solution. In their teams they have specialists who not only will be able to prepare a job offer in optimal time, they will verify the documents sent, but most of all they will prepare a list of candidates who best meet the expectations set by the company. Thanks to this, the list will reach the right person, and then test tasks will be distributed, which will lastly help in making the right decision. Remote recruitment allows you to get to know the market of employees, select a group of those who meet the requirements and current demand, but also allows you to verify their knowledge and skills. More and more companies are using this solution, as it is undoubtedly a big time and money saver. "Bad recruitmentcan cost a lot.
Executive search agencies remotely search for the best suited candidates and remotely verify their competences by presenting a shortlist of top candidates.
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