Kompleksowy przewodnik po rekrutacji CTO: Znajdź najlepszego kandydata dla swojej firmy

Kompleksowy przewodnik po rekrutacji CTO: Znajdź najlepszego kandydata dla swojej firmy

Rozumienie roli CTO (Chief Technical Officer) i jej znaczenia dla Twojej firmy

Zanim rozpoczniesz rekrutacje CTO, ważne jest, aby dokładnie zrozumieć, jakie kompetencje i cechy powinien posiadać kandydat. CTO to nie tylko ekspert technologiczny, ale również lider, który będzie kształtował wizję technologiczną firmy i inspirał zespół do innowacji. Odpowiedni CTO powinien wykazywać się nie tylko głęboką wiedzą techniczną, ale również umiejętnościami zarządzania i wizją strategiczną, która pozwoli prowadzić firmę przez wyzwania cyfrowej transformacji.

Identyfikacja źródeł najlepszych kandydatów na CTO

Znalezienie odpowiedniego CTO wymaga nie tylko rozumienia roli, ale również wiedzy, gdzie szukać potencjalnych kandydatów. Headhunting w przypadku wysokiego stanowiska jakim jest CTO, nie ogranicza się do przeglądania tradycyjnych portali z ogłoszeniami o pracę. Warto rozważyć kilka mniej oczywistych, ale skutecznych metod:

  • Sieci zawodowe i branżowe wydarzenia: Konferencje, seminaria, oraz branżowe meetupy to doskonałe miejsca do nawiązywania kontaktów z potencjalnymi kandydatami. Obecność na takich wydarzeniach pozwala nie tylko poznać ekspertów w dziedzinie, ale również zobaczyć ich w akcji, ocenić umiejętności miękkie i zdolność do prezentacji swoich pomysłów.
  • Rekomendacje: Nie można przeceniać wartości rekomendacji od zaufanych źródeł. Zapytaj swoje sieci kontaktów, czy znają kogoś, kto spełniałby wymagania na stanowisko CTO. Często najlepsi kandydaci są już zatrudnieni i nie szukają aktywnie pracy, ale odpowiednia oferta może ich przekonać do zmiany.
  • Platformy do headhuntingu i specjalistyczne firmy rekrutacyjne: Korzystanie z usług firm specjalizujących się w rekrutacji na wysokie stanowiska może znacznie przyspieszyć proces. Takie firmy mają już ugruntowaną sieć kontaktów i mogą szybko zidentyfikować potencjalnych kandydatów.
  • Media społecznościowe: LinkedIn to nie tylko platforma do sieciowania, ale również potężne narzędzie rekrutacyjne. Profesjonalny profil firmy i aktywna obecność w branżowych grupach dyskusyjnych mogą przyciągnąć uwagę potencjalnych kandydatów.
  • Publikacje branżowe i blogi: Autorzy artykułów i postów na temat najnowszych trendów w technologii to często eksperci w swoich dziedzinach. Nawiązanie z nimi kontaktu może być pierwszym krokiem do zainteresowania ich ofertą pracy.

Pamiętaj, że proces rekrutacji CTO to inwestycja w przyszłość Twojej firmy. Warto poświęcić odpowiednio dużo czasu na znalezienie kandydata, który nie tylko posiada odpowiednią wiedzę techniczną, ale również pasuje do kultury organizacyjnej Twojej firmy i podziela jej wartości.

Kluczowe umiejętności i kompetencje idealnego CTO

Po zidentyfikowaniu potencjalnych źródeł, z których można pozyskać kandydatów na CTO, ważne jest, aby zrozumieć, jakie umiejętności i kompetencje są najbardziej pożądane na tym stanowisku. Oto niezbędne cechy, których powinieneś szukać w idealnym CTO:

  • Głęboka wiedza technologiczna: CTO powinien być ekspertem w najnowszych technologiach i trendach, które mają zastosowanie w Twojej branży. Powinien posiadać zdolność do oceny i wdrażania nowych technologii, które mogą przynieść korzyści firmie.
  • Doświadczenie w zarządzaniu projektami: Idealny CTO ma doświadczenie w zarządzaniu zespołami i projektami technologicznymi. Powinien umieć ustalać priorytety, delegować zadania i motywować zespół do efektywnej pracy.
  • Umiejętności strategicznego myślenia: CTO to nie tylko technik, ale także strateg. Powinien potrafić przewidywać zmiany na rynku i dostosowywać strategię technologiczną firmy tak, aby wyprzedzać konkurencję.
  • Komunikacja i prezentacja: Komunikacja to kluczowa umiejętność dla CTO, który musi efektywnie współpracować z innymi działami firmy i prezentować skomplikowane koncepcje w sposób zrozumiały dla osób nontechnicznych.
  • Doświadczenie w roli lidera: Idealny CTO posiada silne umiejętności przywódcze, które pozwalają mu inspirować i kierować zespołem. Powinien być w stanie budować kulturę innowacji i promować otwartość na nowe pomysły.

Pamiętaj, że poszukiwania idealnego CTO nie powinny ograniczać się wyłącznie do kandydatów spełniających wszystkie powyższe kryteria. Ważne jest również, aby znaleźć osobę, która pasuje do kultury Twojej firmy i będzie w stanie współpracować z zespołem na różnych poziomach organizacji.

Proces rekrutacyjny i ocena kandydatów na CTO

Rekrutacja na stanowisko CTO wymaga starannie zaplanowanego procesu, który pozwoli dokładnie ocenić kandydatów pod kątem ich umiejętności, doświadczenia oraz dopasowania do kultury firmy. Oto kilka kluczowych etapów procesu rekrutacyjnego:

  • Definicja potrzeb i oczekiwań: Zanim rozpoczniesz proces rekrutacyjny, musisz dokładnie zdefiniować, jakie są oczekiwania wobec przyszłego CTO oraz jakie zadania będą przed nim stawiane. Określenie jasnych celów i wymagań pomoże w selekcji odpowiednich kandydatów.
  • Ogłoszenie o pracę i przyciąganie talentów: Opracuj ogłoszenie o pracę, które jasno przedstawi wymagania stanowiska oraz wartości i kulturę Twojej firmy. Skorzystaj z różnych kanałów, aby dotrzeć do jak najszerszego grona potencjalnych kandydatów.
  • Przegląd aplikacji i wstępna selekcja: Przejrzyj nadesłane aplikacje, aby wyselekcjonować najbardziej obiecujących kandydatów. W tej fazie pomocne mogą być narzędzia do śledzenia kandydatów (ATS), które ułatwiają zarządzanie procesem rekrutacyjnym.
  • Wywiady i ocena umiejętności: Przeprowadź serię wywiadów, które pozwolą lepiej poznać kandydatów. Warto zastosować różnorodne metody oceny, w tym wywiady techniczne, zadania praktyczne czy case studies, aby ocenić zarówno kompetencje techniczne, jak i umiejętności miękkie kandydatów.
  • Weryfikacja referencji i finalna decyzja: Przed podjęciem ostatecznej decyzji, sprawdź referencje najlepszych kandydatów. Weryfikacja referencji pozwoli uzyskać dodatkowe informacje na temat ich doświadczenia i sposobu pracy.
  • Oferta pracy i negocjacje: Kiedy zdecydujesz, kto jest najlepszym kandydatem na stanowisko CTO, przedstaw mu ofertę pracy. Bądź gotowy na negocjacje dotyczące warunków zatrudnienia, aby zapewnić, że obie strony są zadowolone z finalnego porozumienia.

Pamiętaj, że rekrutacja CTO to złożony proces, który może zająć dużo czasu, ale dokładność i staranność na każdym etapie są kluczowe dla znalezienia idealnego kandydata, który będzie mógł przyczynić się do wzrostu i innowacyjności Twojej firmy.

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Why do Polish companies struggle to recruit international marketing professionals?

Why do Polish companies struggle to recruit international marketing professionals?

Recruiting international marketing specialists: Why do Polish companies struggle to recruit global marketing experts?

Recruiting international marketing professionals. In 2023, we see the Polish economy taking off. One of the drivers of this development is the export of services or goods. Competing on the Polish market is different from competing on global markets. To do this effectively, you need qualified professionals who know the realities of the global market. And this is where the challenge comes in.

Polish companies seeking to expand into international markets face significant difficulties in attracting international marketing specialists. This article, focusing on key aspects of attracting talented marketing professionals, examines the reasons for this phenomenon and proposes solutions.

1. deficiencies in the education system

The Polish educational system often fails to keep up with the rapid changes in the world of digital marketing. Graduates are insufficiently prepared to work in a dynamic international environment, which is the first obstacle to international marketing recruitment. The lack of specialized courses and training focused on international marketing is a key problem here. Curriculum changes are needed to better prepare future professionals for the challenges of global marketing, such as understanding diverse markets and adapting marketing strategies to different cultures.

2. presence of global companies on the Polish market

Many multinational corporations have branches in Poland, but their operations are often focused on serving the local market. This leaves Polish marketing professionals with limited access to international projects, making it difficult to gain the experience necessary to operate effectively in the global market. An example would be any foreign FMCG company that, despite its international presence, focuses mainly on local clients in Poland, limiting opportunities for its employees to develop in international marketing. This results in marketing departments working in these companies lacking global competence. An exception may be a regional division, e.g. CEE where local teams serve national markets under the supervision-coordination of a regional team.

3. Where to find international marketing experts in Poland?

However, there are sectors in which Poland is beginning to play an increasingly important role, and thanks to specialists in international marketing, great progress is being seen. The market of mobile games, stationary or SaaS and Software Development are areas where Polish specialists are increasingly working on projects with global reach. In these industries, Polish specialists are gaining valuable experience by learning how to adapt products and services to the requirements and expectations of clients from different parts of the world. An example is Netguru, which, as a Polish software house, carries out projects for clients from all over the world, giving its employees the opportunity to gain international experience.

4. language and cultural barriers

Knowledge of English is already standard, but international marketing requires much more. Understanding the culture and specifics of the target market is key. Discuss how cultural differences affect marketing strategies and the consequences of not understanding them. An example of an unsuccessful campaign due to cultural mistakes could be that of Company Y, which did not take into account the cultural specifics of the Asian market, resulting in a negative reception of their product.

5. limited access to international experience

Recruiting international marketing professionals is difficult in Poland. Discuss how the lack of international projects in Polish companies limits opportunities to gain practical skills. An example of a company that has successfully implemented international exchange programs or cooperation with foreign partners can be Booksy, which provides its employees with access to international experience through global expansion.

6. specifics of marketing in B2B and B2C sectors

International marketing in the B2B sector requires a deep understanding of the industry and long-term customer relationships, while B2C focuses on quick results and mass communication. Analyze how these differences affect the recruitment of international marketing professionals. An example of a company that has successfully aligned its marketing strategies with both business models might be Woodpecker, which offers tools to automate sales processes for both B2B and B2C customers.

7. competition in the global market

Polish companies are competing in the global market with companies that have access to greater resources and more experienced professionals. Analyze how this competition affects the recruitment capabilities of Polish companies. Examples of Polish companies' success in the global market, such as CD Projekt RED, creators of the "The Witcher" game, can serve as inspiration.

8. budget constraints of Polish companies

Many Polish companies, especially smaller and medium-sized enterprises, are facing budget constraints. Discuss how these constraints affect the ability to invest in international marketing and hire specialists. Examples of companies that have effectively used limited resources to build an international presence can show that success is possible even with limited resources.


recruitment of international marketing specialists


So the question is where and how to look for international marketing specialists?

Here are some tips on how you can deal with this challenge

Cooperation with educational institutions

Companies should establish cooperation with universities and educational institutions to influence curricula and support the development of courses focused on international marketing. It is also possible to organize competitions and projects that will allow students to put their knowledge into practice and make their first professional contacts.

International partnerships and exchange programs

Companies can consider establishing partnerships with international organizations and implementing exchange programs. Employee exchange programs can also help in understanding different markets and cultures, which is key in international marketing.

Investment in training and skills development:

Organizing training courses and workshops focusing on understanding different cultures and the specifics of international markets for your employees can improve competencies for global teams. Training can cover both cultural aspects and technical innovations in digital marketing.

Leverage industries with global reach

Companies can look for talent in sectors such as mobile gaming, SaaS, and software development. Employees in these sectors often have experience working with international clients and an understanding of global trends. Additionally, several large Polish companies in the fashion industry also already have such experience.

Building international teams

Create teams of people with different cultural backgrounds and international experiences. This will be in line with the Diversity& Inclusion policy. International teams can better understand and effectively communicate with diverse markets. This is possible in Poland - we see a number of examples - mainly in the SaaS industry where owners have well understood the drivers of international expansion and are creating international teams in Poland.

Use of modern recruitment tools

Using recruitment platforms focused on international talent. Companies can also use analytics tools to better understand candidates' needs and preferences.

Work with recruitment agencies specializing in talent acquisition from international markets

Establish partnerships with recruitment agencies that specialize in finding talent in international markets. They can also advise on adapting recruitment strategies to different markets. These types of organizations can quickly map the talent pool and present matched candidates to a given specific industry as well as organizational culture.


Fast Forward Solutions - Your source for the best professionals

Fast Forward Solutions is a boutique recruitment agency specializing in the areas of IT, sales, digital marketing and finance. Our methods provide fast access to the best talent available on the market both in Poland and internationally, effective results and guarantee a very high level of confidentiality for both clients and candidates. With our help you will build your "dream team"..


About the author: Tomasz Bożyczko

Tomasz Bożyczko is an experienced leader in managing marketing and sales teams, President and Founder of Fast Forward Solutions. His passion for recruiting and developing teams has contributed to the success of many organizations. Tomasz is an expert in hiring top talent and improving recruitment processes.


Reference checking - how to do it effectively?

Reference checking - how to do it effectively?

How to effectively check references of candidates from a previous job: a guide for recruitment experts

Nowadays, the process of recruiting the best candidates is complex and increasingly demanding. As an experienced executive search expert, I would like to share my knowledge on a key step in the recruitment process, which is checking the references of candidates. This article discusses how to effectively conduct reference checking to select the best candidate for your organization, ensuring that the hiring decision is based on solid and reliable information.

Reference checking: Understanding the process

Reference checking is not just a formality, but a key part of the recruitment process. It allows you to gain a deeper understanding of a candidate's competence, skills and behavior. It is also an opportunity to confirm the information provided by the candidate in his or her resume and during the interview, which is essential for an accurate assessment of his or her suitability for the position.

Preparing to check references.

Prepare a set of questions focused on the candidate's skills, accomplishments and behavior, tailored to the specifics of the position. It is important that the questions are open-ended and allow for detailed answers to provide a more complete understanding of the candidate. Preparing and planning these questions in advance will ensure that the interview is smooth and focused on the most important aspects.

Selecting the right person to vet the candidate

Choose references from people who have had direct professional contact with the candidate, such as superiors, colleagues or clients. Ideally, references should come from different levels of the hierarchy and different projects, which gives a broader picture of the candidate's competence and behavior. Make sure references are current and relate to the candidate's recent work experience.


Remain professional and open during interviews, listen carefully and read between the lines. It is important to create an atmosphere of trust, which will encourage references to share information honestly. Remember to ask questions in a way that elicits specific examples and situations in which the candidate has demonstrated the competencies you are looking for.


Carefully analyze the information, paying attention to the consistency of information received from different sources. Look for patterns in the responses that may indicate the candidate's strengths and areas for development. Be aware of any inconsistencies or subtle signals conveyed that may require further clarification.

Legal aspects

Reference checking must comply with applicable laws, including RODO. Get the candidate's consent, communicate the purpose and scope of information collection, limit access to data, store data securely, and respect the candidate's rights to rectification and deletion. Remember to be transparent and document all activities, which is crucial in case of potential legal disputes.

Relationship building

Build a relationship with the candidate and their references by presenting a professional approach. This shows your commitment to the recruitment process and builds a positive image of your company. A good relationship can also benefit you in the future, for example, by recommending other valuable candidates.


checking the candidate's references- video call process


Diversity and inclusiveness

Conduct the process in a way that promotes diversity and inclusiveness, avoiding bias and prejudice. Approach each candidate with an open mind, evaluating them solely on their skills and experience. Remember that a diverse work environment contributes to an organization's innovation and success.

Use of technology

Consider using specialized software to organize and analyze data. Technology can help you manage the process effectively, ensuring that all information is stored in a secure and organized manner. Automating some aspects of the process can also save time and increase efficiency.

Effective reference checking requires diligence, professionalism and objectivity. It's not just collecting information, but being able to analyze it and use it in the decision-making process. This approach allows you not only to verify a candidate's competence, but also to better understand his personality and working style.

Sample questions for our interviewee:

1. general questions: how long have you worked together? What were the candidate's main responsibilities?

2 Competencies and skills: What skills has the candidate demonstrated? Did he or she show initiative?

3. work style and behavior: how did he handle stressful situations? How do you assess his communication skills?

4 Achievements and contributions: Example of a project with the candidate's key contribution? Major achievements?

5 Weaknesses and development:Areas for development? Response to constructive criticism?

6 Concluding questions: Would you hire this candidate again? What else should we know?


Remember that effective reference checking increases the chances of finding the perfect candidate who will make a positive impact on your organization. This is a process that requires attention, precision and accountability, but its value to recruitment success is invaluable.



Fast Forward Solutions - Your source for the best professionals

Fast Forward Solutions specializes in recruitment services in the areas of IT, finance, sales and marketing. Our rigorous methodology combines role profiling, executive search and candidate assessment, supported by consulting services. As a result, we guarantee efficiency and rapid acquisition of the best talent on the market. With our support, any company can increase sales, reduce operating costs, improve the efficiency of human resources management and strengthen investor confidence.

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Do you want to strengthen your team with exceptional specialists?

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How to Effectively Recruit in a Family Business

How to Effectively Recruit in a Family Business

The candidate should be ready not only to accept and understand these values, but also to act in a manner consistent with them, being fully committed to the mission of the family business.

Recruitment in a Family Business - Different from all Others

Family businesses are an undeniable pillar of many countries' economies. Combining centuries-old traditions with innovation, they bring their unique approach to doing business. From the latest Family Businesses Index 2023 shows that the world's largest family businesses are generating huge revenues, reaching $8.02 trillion in 2022, up 10% from the previous year. This growth is not just the result of expansion, but also the result of the need to hire new employees. So how do you go about recruiting in a family business?

What is the recruitment process for a family business?

Recruitment in a family business is a unique challenge. The process is rooted in the values and traditions that are characteristic of such companies. The selection of candidates is not just about verifying their professional skills. It's also about looking for people who will be able to integrate into the company's culture and actively contribute to its long-term development.

Based on my experience in recruiting for family businesses, there are two main types of candidates. The first group is conscious candidates. These are individuals who deliberately choose to work in a family business, discouraged by previous experiences in corporations. They value a less formal atmosphere, faster decision-making processes and greater autonomy. The second group is made up of cautious candidates who fear that objectivity and professionalism will be more difficult in a family company. They fear that decisions may be dictated by family ties rather than the best interests of the company.

So the family nature of a company can work in its favor, but it can just as well be a challenge. And what elements should you pay attention to when recruiting for a family business?

Below I describe the five, in my opinion, most important elements to consider in the recruitment process for a family business:

Key elements of recruitment in a family business

Family businesses have a unique cultural heritage that reflects the values, traditions and standards nurtured by generations of owners. To successfully recruit to such a company, it is necessary to understand this culture and be able to empathize with it.

Understanding the culture of a family business

Candidates should not only understand, but also identify with the company's values. Intellectual understanding is not enough; what is needed is a full willingness to implement these values in daily work. The candidate should be ready not only to accept and understand these values, but also to act in a manner consistent with them, being fully committed to the mission of the family business.

Matching the organizational structure

In family businesses, it is common to find a flat organizational structure. The ability to collaborate across levels and perform multiple roles is important. In this context, the candidate's ability to interact effectively and act synergistically at various corporate levels becomes a key value.

Flexibility and adaptability

In family businesses, the approach to decision-making and direction-setting is often more dynamic than in larger corporations. In this context, the candidate's ability to effectively interact and synergize action at various corporate levels becomes a key value.

Loyalty and commitment

A family business needs employees who look at their role as a long-term commitment. Commitment to the company's mission is key. Such employees are willing not only to invest their time, but also their heart and passion to succeed with the company, ensuring its stability and growth for the future.

Effective communication

In a company where family and professional relationships are intertwined, the ability to communicate clearly and sensitively is important. Ultimately, it is not just the ability to convey information, but a deeper understanding and respect for the unique structure of such a company that translates into effective cooperation.

Keeping these key elements in mind when recruiting can help you find the perfect candidate who will not only bring professional value, but also be a cultural fit.

Recruitment in a family business - culture over technology

Recruiting for a family business goes beyond the traditional search for qualifications and skills. It includes understanding and empathizing with the culture and values that are the foundation of a family business.

In such a process, it is important to find candidates who not only meet the technical criteria, but also have the ability to integrate into the company's culture, share its values and are ready to bring something unique to the company. It's not just about finding someone who will "fit in" to the existing structure, but someone who will help it grow and develop in the future.

Therefore, while skills and experience are important, the right cultural fit is key. The ultimate success in recruiting lies in finding those who will not only bring new skills and perspectives, but most importantly will be able to integrate into the existing team, sharing the company's values and committing to its long-term growth.

As a result, recruiting for a family business becomes an investment in the future of the company, where each new employee brings not only his or her skills, but also his or her heart and passion for shared success.



Fast Forward Solutions - Your source for the best professionals

Fast Forward Solutions specializes in recruitment services in the areas of IT, e-commerce, sales and marketing. Our rigorous methodology combines role profiling, executive search and candidate assessment, supported by consulting services. As a result, we guarantee efficiency and rapid acquisition of the best talent on the market. With our support, any company can increase sales, reduce operating costs, improve the efficiency of human resources management and strengthen investor confidence.


About the author: Tomasz Bożyczko

Tomasz Bożyczko is an experienced leader in managing marketing and sales teams, President and Founder of Fast Forward Solutions. His passion for recruiting and developing teams has contributed to the success of many organizations. Tomasz is an expert in hiring top talent and improving recruitment processes.

We hope these tips will help you create compelling job opportunities and optimize your recruitment process to attract the most valuable employees for your company.

The Art and Science of Hiring the Perfect Head of Sales

The Art and Science of Hiring the Perfect Head of Sales

Recruiting: Chief Sales Officer. The art and science of hiring the perfect Sales Manager

Head of Sales (Sales Director) in a SaaS (Software as a Service) world, where technology and business strategies are evolving day by day, his role takes on a new dimension. It is no longer a traditional position focused solely on achieving sales targets. Today's sales chief is a visionary who shapes the future of sales in the organization, innovates and promotes a culture of excellence among his team.

His role is transformational in the sense that he influences not only the sales department, but the entire organization. He works closely with other departments, such as marketing, customer service and the technical department, to ensure consistency in operations and achievement of business goals.

Given my experience as a Head of Sales and Executive Recruiter , this allowed me to understand the importance of finding the right person for the position. Working for many clients, I helped them successfully recruit Sales Directors who not only achieved their sales goals, but on top of that contributed to the overall growth and success of the organization.

In this context, I would like to share my knowledge and experience on what questions are critical during the hiring process for a sales executive. In this guide, I provide not only these critical questions, but also the background and context that will give potential employers a better understanding of what to look for in an ideal candidate.

Recruiting for the position of: Head of Sales is a complex process that requires not only an assessment of the candidate's competence and experience, but also an understanding of the candidate's vision, values and ability to make a difference. I hope this guide will be a valuable resource for anyone looking to hire the best sales chief for their organization.


1. Sales process and strategy

Question: "Describe the sales process you find most effective in the SaaS industry. What are its key steps and how do you adapt it to different customers and market situations?"

Context: The sales process is the core of every sales executive's business. Understanding how a candidate designs, implements and adapts the sales process can provide insight into their strategic and tactical capabilities. Answering this question will help you understand how a candidate approaches the customer lifecycle, from initial contact to closing the deal and follow-up service

2. Estimating the size of the team

Question: "Based on our current trajectory and goals, how big a team do you think we need?"
Context: Beyond the sheer numbers, this question tests the prospective Sales Director's ability to align team size with company goals. It is a reflection of their strategic foresight and ability to balance growth with efficiency.

3. Transaction volume experience

Question: "Please share your experiences with different deal sizes and their implications for salespeople in the sales department?"
Context: Different deal sizes come with unique challenges and opportunities. A candidate's versatility in different deal sizes may indicate their adaptability and ability to adjust sales strategies to different scenarios.


4. Experience in team building

Question: "Please tell us about building sales teams in previous positions."
Context: This question delves into the journey of a leadership candidate. This is an opportunity to understand approaches to talent acquisition, mentoring, team dynamics and conflict resolution.

5. Knowledge of sales tools

Question: "Please discuss the sales tools you advocate and their impact on sales management."
Context : In an era of digital transformation, the use of the right tools can be groundbreaking. This question assesses the candidate's technological sophistication and commitment to continuous improvement.

6. Loyalty test

Question: "Who from your current team would be willing to embark on a new professional journey with you and join our company?"
Context: Loyalty is a two-way street. This question not only assesses a candidate's attractiveness as a leader, but also his or her ability to nurture and retain top salespeople.

7. Sales and customer service cooperation

Question: "How do you envision closing the gap between sales achievement and sustained customer success?"
Context: A forward-thinking sales executive realizes that the sale is only the beginning of the customer journey. Their post-sale engagement strategy can be a testament to their long-term vision.

8 Dealing with competition

Question: "Please tell us about a situation in which a competitor outperformed your company and the lessons you learned from it in your organization."
Context: This question unquestionably tests the candidate's humility, resilience to failure, and focus on learning from their actions. It's not about failure, but about getting back into action quickly.

Recruiting Head of Sales

9. Collaboration with technical and support teams

Question: "How can a smooth collaboration between sales and technical teams be arranged, especially during complex sales cycles?"
Context: In SaaS, the technical aspects of the product are intertwined with sales. A candidate's approach to this collaboration can reveal their holistic view of the sales process.

10. Taking responsibility for revenues

Question: "Given our current metrics and market position, where do you see our revenue going in the next quarter?"
Context: This question is a litmus test of a candidate's analytical skills, market awareness and ambition.

11. Sales and Marketing synergy

Question: "Please describe a successful campaign in which sales and marketing worked together effectively."
Context : This provides insight into the candidate's experience with integrated campaigns and his or her belief in interdepartmental cooperation.


Bonus question: Dealing with SNW (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt).

Question: "How do you deal with challenges posed by competitors, especially when they resort to spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt (English FUD)?"
Context:: This question delves into a candidate's crisis management skills, ethical stance and strategic prowess.

Deep Dive: Intangibles

While the above questions are key to assessing a candidate's expertise and strategic knowledge, it is equally important to assess intangibles: their passion for the industry, their cultural fit with the company and their vision for the future. These elements, often gleaned from informal conversations and observations, can be the factors that distinguish a good manager from a great one.


In an era where technology has become a driving force, the position of Sales Director in the SaaS industry is becoming increasingly important. Today's digital world, with an emphasis on SaaS in many sectors, requires the right sales leader. It used to be that their main tasks were to achieve sales goals, manage a team and build relationships. Today, they are also visionaries who must look to the future.

In a SaaS environment, it is crucial for the Sales Director to have a thorough knowledge of the technology. He or she must know how the applications, platforms work and be aware of their advantages and disadvantages. In a world that is changing rapidly, flexibility and willingness to learn become key. The hiring process for this position has also changed. Now companies are looking not only for people with sales skills, but also those with vision and adaptability.

In summary, in a world where technology and SaaS are constantly evolving, the role of the Sales Director is evolving. Their position is becoming more complex. To succeed, companies need to select leaders who, in addition to their traditional skills, are ready to lead in an unpredictable future.



Fast Forward Solutions - your source for the best professionals

Fast Forward Solutions specializes in recruitment services in the areas of IT, e-commerce, sales and marketing. Our rigorous methodology combines role profiling, executive search and candidate assessment, supported by consulting services. As a result, we guarantee efficiency and rapid acquisition of the best talent on the market. With our support, any company can increase sales, reduce operating costs, improve the efficiency of human resources management and strengthen investor confidence.


About the author: Tomasz Bożyczko

Tomasz Bożyczko is an experienced sales leader, CEO and founder of Fast Forward Solutions. His passion for recruiting and developing teams has contributed to the success of many organizations. Tomasz is an expert in hiring top talent and improving recruitment processes.

We hope these tips will help you create compelling job opportunities and optimize your recruitment process to attract the most valuable employees for your company.